Instead Of

Clam Hands

Episode Summary

This week, your hosts are all househens and clamhands as we celebrate the nation's numerous and individual small businesses, each of which is unique in its similarity. Among the multitude of self-same businesses large and small, we identify definite outliers: Blacktop Mike's Listening Room, Tapan & Andy's Auto Body, and Succulent Josh's Murder-for-Hire. Pairings: A spiritual hole in your heart, $5 a month, and a Patreon login; enough dogs; Circles: Cones from Above

Episode Notes

This week, your hosts are all househens and clamhands as we celebrate the nation's numerous and individual small businesses, each of which is unique in its similarity. Among the multitude of self-same businesses large and small, we identify definite outliers: Blacktop Mike's Listening Room, Tapan & Andy's Auto Body, and Succulent Josh's Murder-for-Hire.

Pairings: A spiritual hole in your heart, $5 a month, and a Patreon login; enough dogs; Circles: Cones from Above